Speak! Are you a CEO wanting to improve executive presence while giving presentations and stop saying "um" 5 times a minute? Are you a graduate student with such exciting information to share, but such fear preventing you from helping the audience share your enthusiasm? Do you have a strong accent that causes you concern about speaking up in your career? Let's get you up and running!
Laughter Yoga--Breathe more and Laugh for no reason!
Comprehensive Compliments--Learn to be more uplifting and create a positive work atmosphere by conscientiously noticing the positive attributes of those around you and speaking up about them.
Gratitude Thank You Notes--Practice meaningful gratitude with a guided session of thank you note writing and make a difference in someone's life around the office, or even someone you haven't had contact with for a while.
Peace and Love in the Workplace--Use various forms of Love output to boost the morale of everyone around
Clarify Qualities You Seek In An Employee, Workplace, Culture etc.
Become a Gratitude Gardener-Grow a Variety of Gratitude: Self, Family, Life, School, Work, etc. Find more reasons to be happy at work
Fix Your Thinking--Shift Perspectives-- Choose to see the world and the workplace in a brighter light
Multiply Your Optimism
Overcoming Shyness- Let the Shyness Sherpa be your guide--Improve customer service and connecting with customers
Corporate Family Facilitated--How to connect with your staff and find out what's really going on behind the scenes to improve everyone's experience
Consent: Why you need it, How to get it--How to ask for what you want, and why it makes life better when you have an answer. Compassionate work habits "do you mind if I talk to you now about an issue?" "Would it be ok for me to go over the outline for this project?"
Goal Setting: What do you actually want out of your time at work? When do you plan to do it, and how are you going to get there?
Larysa can help you change your thinking to change your life. Most children are pretty happy, but sometimes we forget how, when life buries our everyday elation. Learn how to recover it and make a practice of strengthening your Gratitude, Optimism, Love and so much more!