Support a Workshop

Would you like some help in preparing the next time you have to do a presentation for work, church, an interview for your business or any time you need to speak publicly?  Would you like to bring your A Game and present the best possible version of yourself?  Work with Larysa to make that happen!




Some workshop ideas to ponder






  • Laughter Yoga--Breathe more and Laugh for no reason!

  • Loving While Yet Lacking- With the Self-Esteem Architect

  • Clarify Qualities You Seek In A Mate

  • Love More, Love Better--Increase Your Love-Fitness

  • Become a Gratitude Gardener-Grow a Variety of Gratitude: Self, Family, Life, School, Work, etc.

  • Fix Your Thinking--Shift Perspectives-- Choose to see the world in a brighter light

  • Multiply Your Optimism

  • Overcoming Shyness- Let the Shyness Sherpa be your guide

  • Relationship Reboot-Let that Love increase from a trickling stream to Niagara Falls!

  • Family Dinner Facilitated--Reconnect and remember the joy in the company of your housemates who may share your DNA, or the duvet.

  • Consent: Why you need it, How to get it--How to ask for what you want, and why it makes life better when you have an answer.

  • Virtue-Chastity: A Champion Choice

  • Boundaries Abounding:  Discuss and Learn to set and enforce healthy boundaries for a more balanced life.  Learn also how to respect the boundaries of others, and learn what their boundaries are even when they don't express the information first.    

  • Forgiveness:  How, why, and what for.  If you would like to improve your ability and strength to forgive and understand the benefits more thoroughly, this may be the workshop for you.  

  • Goal Setting:  What do you actually want out of life, when do you plan to do it, and how are you going to get there?

  • Speak!  Are you a CEO wanting to improve executive presence while giving presentations and stop saying "um" 5 times a minute?  Are you a graduate student with such exciting information to share, but such fear preventing you from helping the audience share your enthusiasm?  Do you have a strong accent that causes you concern about speaking up in your career? I'm here to help!   

  • 100 Ways To Love Your Mother:  This was created for Mother's Day, and you can start the work on your own right here!  Just Click this line