

Some Preferred Authors:

Cloud and Townsend Series

Wayne Dyer

Caroline Myss

Napoleon Hill

Dale Carnegie

Brene Brown— The Gifts of Imperfection Late summer 2020— pretty great, and glad to learn together in online COVID bookclub.

Michael Pollan

Tim Ferriss

Stephen Covey

Malcolm Gladwell

Ed Hallowell

Gabor Mate

Loosely ordering by how much I enjoy and would recommend

Boundaries Cloud and Townsend (HIGHLY recommend and many of the communities I value frequently recommend it as well!). 2019, 2020, etc.

How To Have That Difficult Conversation- by the same team as Boundaries— Also quite valuable

The Message From The Other Side- Recommended by a friend, glad to have read it and grateful to have glimpses into the other side and the goings on of loved ones.

The Omnivore’s Dilemma- was thrilled this was included from a class and am constantly telling people about it and referencing it.

Various Love Languages Books

Think And Grow Rich (And the version for women)

Rich Dad Poor Dad

How To Win Friends And Influence People

Ed Hallowell Books- Driven to Distraction and Delivered From Distraction

Atomic Habits— Good enough to be on my second reading of it

The 4-Hour Workweek

The 4-Hour Body

Screwtape Letters C.S. Lewis- Fall 2020 wonderful on so many levels, so grateful to get to talk about this with book group. Read it twice in a row.

The Emotion Code Summer 2020— Really like it, resonates significantly and I think there is valuable knowledge to be gained here. Was on my to do list and kept getting mentioned by people from entirely different sections of my life so figured ok there’s my sign. So much synchronicity.

The Four Agreements- Summer 2020- kept hearing this mentioned more often recently. I’d heard about it a few times over time but with the amount it was crossing my path recently, figured might as well bump it to the front of the list.

The Three Questions Summer 2020 - this and the Four Agreements are worth another listen… perhaps multiple to get a stronger grasp on them…

The Untethered Soul Michael A. Singer- Fall 2020 Had been recommended from quite a few sources in my life unrelated to each other so it seemed the universe was trying to tell me something about considering reading this. I’d consider it helpful, makes sense. Reminds me a lot of Wayne Dyer. I’m surprised he’s not more well known. Would be beneficial for most people I think.

The Body- Fall/Winter 2020 Bill Bryson- seems he is the same one that wrote A Walk In The Woods which was made into a movie which was recently free on Roku and I happened to catch to play in the background while I got other things done- it was pretty great but seems such a different style from The Body which I thought a few times might become for me like The Omnivore’s Dilemma in how much I’d reference it. Very interesting and since we all have bodies, doesn’t it make sense we might gain understanding how they work?

Why We Sleep- Fall 2020 I love that he said if we fell asleep while listening he’d be flattered. I still have a bit more reading to do, it automatically was sent back to the library and has a long wait time…I look forward to resuming it. Just like the body, we all need to sleep, seems beneficial for us to better understand why and how.

The Tipping Point-Malcolm Gladwell- I’m now on Outliers at the same friend’s recommendation who suggested I read Tipping Point. SO interesting- I may make 2021’s goals to listen to all of his books available at the library which seem to be most of them if not all! Enthralling!

Outliers- very interesting- now onto Blink, winter 2020

Blink- Winter 2021

David and Goliath- Winter 2021

Anxious for Nothing-Winter 2021 Max Lucado

Reflections on the Artist’s Way - Julia Cameron Feb 2021

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho. March 2021

Heaven is for Real - Todd Burpo March 2021

To Heaven and Back - Mary C Neal March 2021

The Power of Habit

Sacred Symbols

Take Control of Your Life

Sleep Smarter

Dad is Fat

The Art of Living

Purple Cow

Daring Greatly

The Law of Divine Compensation

Eat That Frog!

Developing A Million Dollar Message

High Performance Habits

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Spark Joy

As A Man Thinketh

The Brain That Changes Itself

The Survivors Club: The Secrets and Science That Could Save Your Life - I remember this one being very interesting- I think I read it in close time proximity to The Brain That Changes Itself- both very interesting! I was trying to remember the title of this one and google kept leading me to Deep Survival….

The Millionaire Next Door

The Joy of Genius- Gay Hendricks PhD- Fall 2020 It was nice that it was free on Audible but mostly things I already knew- still might re-listen in case I may have fallen asleep during any of it…. if that tells you anything.

Declutter Your Mind

The 3-Day Effect

Completed Recently, Unsorted

Educated. Winter/Spring 2021- have heard about this from others and their reading journeys- figured might as well hear what is said ….it was interesting, especially knowing someone who was raised so similarly. I do find myself referencing it regularly and am somewhat surprised how many people haven’t read it nor heard of it- met some missionaries whose son in law is the author’s sister, if I recall, so while the missionary hasn’t read it, she’s familiar with the family and stories.

Non Violent Communication- Was on my to do list and now part of book club- Summer 2020. I want to read again. Thankfully am in regular contact with some people who took in depth training in NVC and would like to implement this more in life and continue to gain further understanding.

Atomic Habits- Re-reading to help implement. 2019-2020 Another to continue reading again and again- re read in 2021. Great ideas.

Currently Reading

The Body Keeps The Score- Also very valuable, another that kept coming into my awareness from multiple sources over time and then especially recently. 2020

Getting Things Done— Recommended by a couple people

Love as a Way of Life

Drive- I believe this is the one that was surprisingly not exciting…considering…

The Plant Paradox Dr. Gundry. Fall 2020 I’d heard of this- Kelly Clarkson had good luck following these ideas since she has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and found help by avoiding lectins. This is another of those situations where I’d been hearing about it from various sources and figured it was worth a look.

The Queue

Now which to choose, just a sampling….

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die

The Five Levels of Attachment

Tools of Titans

The Power of the Other

The Power of a Positive No

The Power of Purpose (wow, noticing a theme in these last few recent acquisitions)

Eastern Body, Western Mind

Power Vs. Force

I Thought It Was Just Me

Bull’s Eye

13 Things Mentally Strong People Do

The Willpower Instinct

The Four Tendencies

Own the Day, Own Your Life

Rejection Proof

Make Your Bed

Your Best Brain

Lost Connections

The Etymologicon (This was as close to pleasure reading as I get- curiosity- but not personal progression other than new interesting knowledge)

The Lost Art of Good Conversation


The 10x Rule

Made to Stick

The Case Against Sugar

How Emotions Are Made

The TB12 Method


The Charisma Myth


In Defense of Food (LOVE Michael Pollan and am still constantly quoting The Omnivore’s Dilemma)

Psyched Up

Faster Than Normal

The Productivity Project

Wishes Fulfilled

Find Your Why


The 5 Second Rule

The Anatomy of Peace

Millionaire Success Habits

The Marshmallow Test

The Joy of Less

The Love Dare

The Motivation Manifesto

Decluttering at the Speed of Life



The Big Moo

Blue Ocean Strategy


How To Develop Your Personal Mission Statement

Leap First

Living the 7 Habits

The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity

The Soul of Money


Start With Why

Jacob T. Marley

The Talent Code

Outwitting the Devil

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

The Miracle Morning

How Bad do You Want It?

The library has increased between Audible plus and 2 for 1 sales, can’t even keep up with what’s on here so perhaps I’ll add the ones I’m most likely to think of next.